Contact Information
Call: (903) 592-8012
Fax: (903) 593-8781
Audio Response: (903) 592-6106
Lost/Stolen Debit Cards
Lost/stolen cards: 1(888) 263-3370
Fraud department: 1(855) 961-1602
Business Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Drive-Thru Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:30a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
3711 Frankston Hwy
Tyler, Texas 75701
Have a question?
(“Please be aware that this correspondence will be sent to a email account that is not protected by Tyler City ECU’s firewall, but is obtained through a third party. Do not disclose any personal information such as social security numbers nor dates of birth. Tyler City Credit Union will only need the name upon the account.”)
Request Credit Union Financial Info
You may at any time request a copy of the following from Tyler City Employees Credit Union:
Annual Report (containing a current balance sheet, an income and expense statement, the name and date of expiration of the terms of each board member, a description of changes to management, bylaws, articles of incorporation, financial condition, membership size, and services offered since the last report)
Summary of the most recent annual audit
The most recent statement of financial condition
The IRS Form 990
Debit Card Fraud Department
Please enter this important number into your cell phone 1(866) 842-5208. If they call you, you need to answer to verify transactions. Please have your correct address on file with the credit union.
Member Feedback
The credit union is incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas and under state law is subject to regulatory oversight by the Texas Credit Union Department. If you have a dispute with Tyler City Employees Credit Union, you should contact the credit union.
If the dispute is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact the Texas Credit Union Department through one of the means indicated below:
Tyler City Employees Credit Union
3711 Frankston Hwy. Tyler, TX 75702
Phone (903) 592-8012
Fax (903) 593-8781
Credit Union Department
914 East Anderson Lane
Austin, Texas 787552-1699
Phone: (512) 837-9236
Email: compliants@cud.texas.gov
Website: www.cud.texas.gov
Wire Instructions
All incoming Wire Transfers to member accounts are received through Catalyst Corporate Federal Credit Union
Catalyst Corporate FCU 6801 Parkwood Blvd. Plano, TX 75024
Routing # 311990511
Credit Unions Name
Tyler City Employees Credit Union 3711 Frankston Hwy. Tyler, TX 75701
Account # 311989632
Credit to: Members Name, Members account #